The lens is the transparent structure located just behind the pupil (the black circle in the centre of the eye).It allows light to pass through it and focusses it on to the light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye (retina).


Cataracts most commonly affect older adults , but some babies are born with cataracts ( Congenital Cataract) and Children can also develop them at a young age. These are known as childhood cataracts. 


Cataracts occur when changes in the lens of the eye cause it to become less transparent (clear). This results in cloudy or misty vision.



  • The child may not fix and follow light and objects

  • Lack of social smile or face recognition

  • Deviation of eye (squint) or shaking of eyeballs ( Nystagmus) 

  • Observing a white reflex in the eyes in photographs

Treatment Ã¢â‚¬â€¹Ã¢â‚¬â€¹

  • Sometimes Cataracts in children are not very dense or do not affect the visual axis and they require only close observation.

  • But if cataracts are affecting your child's vision, they can slow down or stop their normal sight development.In these cases, we need to do surgery to remove the affected lens and implant an Intraocular lens.

  • Post operative visual rehabilitation, Lazy eye therapy and regular follow up is necessary for good recovery.​

  • It's particularly important to spot cataracts in children quickly because early diagnosis and treatment can reduce the risk of long-term vision problems. 

  • Sometimes a white reflex in the eye may be associated with more severe problems like a Retinal detachment or Retinoblastoma (a cancer of the eye). Hence its very important to consult your Paediatric Ophthalmologist if you see a white reflex in your child's eye.​​

  • Genetic counselling can help couples who may be at risk of passing an inherited condition on to their child